GHC Foundation - Employer Matched Gifts

Many companies offer their employees matching gifts, which allow employees to maximize their charitable contributions to the Grays Harbor College Foundation.

If your company sponsors a matching gift program, you can easily increase the impact your gift will have on Grays Harbor College and its students. Most participating companies will match employee gifts dollar for dollar.

Grays Harbor College Foundation’s Tax ID Number is: 91-6052939

Get Matched Today!

  1. Ask your HR Department for a matching gift form or web address to complete matching registration.

  1. Complete the matching form and mail to the GHC Foundation with your donation.

GHC Foundation
1620 Edward P. Smith Dr.
Aberdeen, WA 98520

If matching registration is completed online, email the matching confirmation number to

  1. Your company will send the matching gift after we verify your gift.

How Can We Help?

If you have questions about employer matching gifts, please do not hesitate to contact us.