Jeanne Clery Report

The Department of Education, the Jeanne Clery Act and the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges requires Grays Harbor College to provide information to students and employees about its campus safety and security policies, procedures and statistics on certain crimes. This report is reviewed annually by the College’s Safety Committee.
2024 Annual Security Report
2023 Annual Security Reports
Student Privacy
GHC complies with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 concerning the information, which becomes a part of a student’s permanent educational record and governing the conditions of its disclosure. Procedural guidelines governing compliance with this statute have been developed and are available through the Office of Admission and Records.
GHC allows only a student’s “directory information” – your name, address, gender, dates of attendance, major or field of study, degrees/awards received, extracurricular activities, height and weight of athletic team members, scholarships received, other institutions attended, e-mail address and veteran status – to be made to the public. Release of other information requires your consent. If you do not wish to have this directory information made public, a written request must be on file in the Admissions Office (Room 130).
Timely Warnings
In the event that a situation arises either on or off campus and, in the judgment of the college constitutes an ongoing or continuous threat, a campus “timely warning” will be issued. Depending on the particular circumstances of the incident, especially in situations that could pose an immediate threat to the community and individuals, the college may employ a number of different mechanisms (posters, flyers, e-mail, Internet and/or article(s), phone, text messages, radio and television) to notify the campus of the threat. Two primary methods are GHC Alerts and
GHC Alerts is a subscriber-based system that will send emails and text messages to cell phones, pagers or devices capable of receiving text messages. GHC Alerts is free to users. There may be a fee charged by your service provider for text messaging if it is not already covered in your plan. is used primarily for weather related delays and closures. Information reported to this website is broadcasted on TV and local radio stations. You can also see current notices on their website by clicking “View Current Info”. This will show any postings submitted, including Grays Harbor College.
Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures
All members of the Grays Harbor College (GHC) community are urged to notify the Safety and Security Coordinator or designee of any situation or incident on campus that involves a significant emergency or dangerous situation that may involve an immediate or on-going threat to the health and safety of students and/or employees on campus. The Safety and Security Coordinator or designee has the responsibility of responding to and summoning the necessary resources to investigate, mitigate and document any situation that may cause a significant emergency or dangerous situation. Further, the Safety and Security Coordinator or designee has the responsibility to respond to such incidents to determine if the situation does in fact pose a threat to the campus community. If that is the case, Federal Law requires that the institutions immediately notify the campus community or the appropriate segments of the community that may be affected by the situation.
In the event of a serious incident, which poses an immediate threat to members of the GHC community, the College has several systems in place for communicating information quickly to those individuals. Some or all of these methods of communication may be activated in the event of an immediate threat to the GHC campus community. These methods of communication include emails, voice messages, fire alarms, FlashAlert, postings on the GHC Website and GHC Alert (emergency text messages). The Safety and Security Coordinator or designee is authorized to send out emergency messages.
Upon receiving information regarding an emergency or dangerous situation, that poses an immediate or on-going threat to the health and safety of students and/or employees on campus, the Safety and Security Coordinator or designee will immediately notify the College President, a Vice President or designee. If the Safety and Security Coordinator or designee confirms that, an emergency or dangerous situation poses an immediate threat to the health or safety of some or all members of the GHC community; then the College President, Vice President(s), Safety and Security Coordinator or designee will determine the content of the message and use some or all of the communication systems mentioned above to communicate the threat to the GHC community or to the appropriate segment of the community. Grays Harbor College will determine the content of the notification and initiate the notification system, unless issuing a notification will, in the judgment of law enforcement agencies, compromise the efforts to assist a victim or to contain, respond to, or otherwise mitigate the emergency.
The College provides safety, security and evacuation procedures on their website, and posters and signage located throughout campus. The response and evacuation procedures are reviewed annually. The College also conducts campus emergency drills and exercises and participates in countywide emergency exercises.
Weapons Possession
Possession, holding, wearing, transporting, storage or presence of any firearm, dagger, sword, knife or other cutting or stabbing instrument, club, explosive device, or any other weapon apparently capable of producing bodily harm is prohibited on the college campus, subject to the following exceptions: Commissioned law enforcement personnel or legally authorized military personnel while in performance of their duties. WAC 132B-125-120 (23)
Reporting Crimes and Other Emergencies
All crime victims and witnesses are strongly encouraged to immediately report crimes, suspicious circumstances/persons and emergencies to the appropriate law enforcement agencies - 911 for Police, Medic or Fire.
After calling 911 – notify one of the following:
- Call 360-538-4114 GHC Campus Operations Dispatch. The dispatcher has direct radio communications to the Safety and Security Coordinator and Campus Operations Staff.
- Call the Safety and Security Office at 360-538-4120 or email
- For off campus sites, reports can be made to the community education center coordinator.
The Daily Crime Log
Each business day, the office of Campus Safety produces a Daily Crime Log using information from Campus Security, local law enforcement, Student Conduct and other Campus Security Authorities. The Daily Crime Log is available to the campus and community. This summary identifies the type, location, time, and date the crime was reported to Campus Security. The Daily Crime Log may be viewed at the office of the Safety and Security Coordinator, located in the 800 Building, room 860. A printed copy of the Daily Crime Log may be obtained by calling 360-538-4120.
Note that a request for Daily Crime Log information older than 60 days may take up to two business days from the date the request is received to be fulfilled.
Furthermore, be advised that certain information may be temporarily withheld from the Daily Crime Log if there is clear and convincing evidence that the release of said information would jeopardize an ongoing investigation or the safety of an individual, cause a suspect to flee or evade detection or result in the destruction of evidence. Once it is determined that the release of the information would no longer have such an adverse effect, the information must be added to the Daily Crime Log.
Law Enforcement Jurisdictions
The Aberdeen Police Department has jurisdiction on the Aberdeen campus - Raymond Police Department has jurisdiction at the Riverview Education Center - Long Beach Police Department has jurisdiction at Columbia Education Center - The College maintains an excellent working relationship with these agencies. These law enforcement agencies are responsible for investigating criminal activities that occur at these locations.
Mutual Aid and Mobilization Agreements
Grays Harbor College has mutual aid and mobilization agreements with the City of Aberdeen, Raymond Fire Department and Raymond Police Department. The college also has an Interagency Agreement with Grays Harbor County Public Health and Social Services Department and with the American Red Cross for use of the college as a Mass Care Shelter.
Sexual Assault
Our campus is committed to providing its students with an environment conducive to the pursuit of knowledge. Admission to the institution on this campus carries with it the presumption that students will conduct themselves as responsible members of the community, refraining from actions that would endanger the health, welfare, or safety of others. Conduct constituting a sexual offense, whether forcible or non-forcible, will not be tolerated. Students committing sexual offenses in any form can be prosecuted under the Washington State criminal statutes and/or subject to disciplinary action under the student rights and responsibilities (WAC 132B-120-120).
The Washington State Criminal Code (RCW 9A) defines rape as engaging in sexual intercourse with another person by forcible compulsion; or when the victim is incapable of consent by reason of being physically helpless or mentally incapacitated (e.g., when the victim has consumed alcohol and/or other drugs, either voluntarily or involuntarily); or when the victim does not consent to sexual intercourse with the perpetrator and such lack of consent was expressed by the victim’s words or conduct.
If you or someone you know is the victim of a sexual assault, report it immediately to the police. There are on and off-campus resources to help you. Trained staff members assist victims in coping with the aftermath of assaults and in exploring available options confidentially.
Beyond Survival 360-533-9751 or 888-626-2640
Rape/Sexual Assault Response Line 360-538-2292 or 800-986-1202
Crisis Clinic 360-532-4357 or 800-685-6556
GHC Counseling Center 360-538-4099
Family & Friends of Violent Crime Victims 800-346-7555
Victim of Sexual Assault
If a sexual offense should occur, the victim should take the following actions:
- Go to a safe place.
- Call 911.
- Police will contact counseling and victim’s advocate services.
- Contact a friend or family member.
- Do not shower, bathe, or douche.
- Do not urinate, if possible.
- Do not eat, drink liquids, smoke or brush teeth if oral contact took place.
- Keep the clothes worn during the offense. If clothes are changed, place clothes in paper bag (evidence deteriorates in plastic).
- Get prompt medical attention.
- Do not destroy the physical evidence that may be found in the area of the crime. The victim should not clean or straighten until the police have had an opportunity to collect evidence.
- Write down all details remembered as soon as possible.
Sexual assault and rape awareness materials in the form of flyers and brochures are posted around campus with information about community programs and services.
Domestic Violence and Stalking
Relationship or domestic violence may begin with insults, name-calling, shoving, or breaking objects, then proceed to endanger or scare another person, isolation of family members from others, and controlling resources like money, vehicles, and time. More physically violent behaviors include threats of violence or suicide, or threats to take children from the abused person, hurting pets, kidnapping, stalking, hitting, and strangling/choking.
Abuse is a learned pattern of behavior and, without intervention, becomes more destructive and sometimes lethal. Abusive individuals may have a need for power or control over someone else to compensate for their own low self-esteem, insecurity, fear, and confusion.
Steps to follow if you are being stalked
- Tell the person that the relationship is over.
- If the stalker has your phone number, do not change it. Let it always go to voicemail and get another unlisted number. If s/he leaves messages this can help your police case. In addition, if you change your number this may upset the stalker and result in worse behavior.
- Report stalking behaviors to the police. Consider filing a protection order.
- Report the situation to the Safety and Security Coordinator.
- Alert your friends, family, co-workers and supervisor of the situation. Give them a detailed description of the stalker and any vehicles they use. Have them alert you if they see the stalker.
- Keep a detailed journal of all incidents and suspicious occurrences. Keep all e-mails, voice-mails, etc.
- If you are being followed, do not go home. Go to the police station, fire department or an all night convenience store.
Beyond Survival 360-533-9751 or 888-626-2640
Rape/Sexual Assault Response Line 360-538-2292 or 800-986-1202
Crisis Clinic 360-532-4357 or 800-685-6556
GHC Counseling Center 360-538-4099
Family & Friends of Violent Crime Victims 800-346-7555
Sexual Harassment
GHC, as a place of work and study, aspires to be maintained free of all forms of harassment, discrimination, intimidation, and exploitation. Members of the college community should be aware that the college will take action to prevent and correct such behavior and those individuals who engage in such behavior are subject to discipline. Retaliation against any employee, student, applicant, or volunteer who reports harassment is also subject to discipline.
Sexual harassment complaints should be referred to the Title IX Coordinator or Safety and Security (Room 860) involving student(s) or the Human Resources Office (Room 2307) involving employees.
Complete copies of GHC’s Sexual Harassment Operational Policy 406 may be obtained online or in the Office of Student Services (Room 110).
Sex Offenders
The federal Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act went into effect October 28, 2002. This law requires institutions of higher education to issue a statement advising the campus community where law enforcement information provided by Washington State concerning registered sex offenders may be obtained.
Sex offender information may be found by contacting the following:
Grays Harbor Sheriff’s Office - 1-800-562-8714
Pacific County Sheriff’s Office - 360-875-9395
Sex Offender Levels and What They Mean:
Level I
The majority of sex offenders are classified as Level I offenders. They are considered at low risk to re-offend. Washington Sate Law strictly prohibits public disclosure of Level I Registered Sex Offender information.
Level II
Level II offenders have a moderate risk of re-offending because of the nature of their previous crime(s) and lifestyle (drug and alcohol abuse and other criminal activity). Some have refused to participate or failed to complete approved treatment programs. Washington State Law prohibits public disclosure of Level II Registered Sex Offenders except under specific criteria.
Level III
Level III offenders are the greatest risk to the community. Most are predatory, have other violent crime convictions, may have refused treatment, and are known substance abusers. Community notification is the most extensive. Washington State Law permits notifications regarding Level III offenders that include relevant, accurate, and necessary information. This information may be disclosed to the public at large.
See: Level III Sex Offenders currently enrolled at GHC
Alcohol and Drug Policy
The possession, use, sale or distribution of any intoxicant or illegal drug on the college campus is prohibited. The use of illegal drugs by any Grays Harbor student attending a college-sponsored event is also prohibited, even though the event does not take place at the college. The use of alcohol by students attending such events shall conform to State law. Violation or abuse of the above rules will subject the wrongdoer to college disciplinary procedures.
Any violation of these laws may result in prosecution by criminal authorities and are punishable by judgments including community service, fines, confiscation of property (real or personal) and/or prison sentences. The college will also impose sanctions consistent with local, state and federal laws, which may include completion of an appropriate rehabilitation program, expulsion from the college or termination of employment and referral to law enforcement for prosecution.
The college recognizes dependency on alcohol and other drugs as an illness. Available resources include:
GHC Counseling Center 360-538-4099
Crisis Clinic 360-532-4357 or 800-685-6556
Alcohol/Drug 24 Hour Helpline 800-996-DRUG
Alcoholic’s Anonymous 360-532-2691
ALANO Club of Aberdeen 360-532-5971
Grays Harbor Community Hospital 360-532-8330
Mental Health
GHC Counseling services provides academic counseling, career/vocational counseling, and personal counseling. Appointments are recommended; however, drop-in hours are available. For more information contact the following:
GHC Counseling 360-538-4099
Columbia Wellness 360-532-4357 or 800-685-6556
Behavioral Health Counseling Center 360-532-8629
Family & Friends of Violent Crime Victims 800-346-7555
WA Advocates for the Mentally Ill 800-782-9264
Contact Campus Operations Dispatch at 360-538-4114 to request an escort.
Contact Information
For more information about crime prevention, contact the Safety and Security Coordinator at 360-538-4120 or