SSIB Local and Tribal Art
Grays Harbor College is seeking art from artists or teams of artists to provide local artwork for the new Student Services & Instructional Building. The College hopes that the artwork displayed in the new building will be created by local and tribal artists to recognize GHC’s community, the region’s Tribal Nations, and the cultural history of Grays Harbor and Pacific counties.
Call for Artists
Please download the Call for Artists documents below.
Completed application materials are to be emailed as attachments to by November 24, 2023 at 4:00 pm. If an accommodation is needed, please contact Colleen Meyers at 360-538-4234.
Criteria for the Artwork
The following criteria have been identified for the artwork:
- Artwork shows originality, style, and innovative design that represents Native American spirit, style, and culture and/or the style and culture of Grays Harbor and Pacific Counties.
- Generates interest and honors the College, community, and peoples of the Chehalis, Chinook, Quinault and Shoalwater Bay Tribes.
- Enhances the area where art will be installed and creates a signature presence that is both visible and welcoming.
- Communicates a connection between the College, the communities of Grays Harbor and Pacific counties, and the region’s Tribal Nations.
Additional Information
Additional details about the criteria for the artwork, process to submit artwork, compensation, and more can be found in the Call for Artists documents above.
For questions about this opportunity, please contact
About the Funding
The Grays Harbor College Foundation, leading the funding for the artwork in the new Student Services and Instructional Building, expresses deep appreciation for its devoted donors. The Foundation holds the strong belief that this project benefits the local art community and elevates the college environment, fostering creativity and establishing a welcoming ambiance within the new facility.